Cheese & Wine: The Perfect Pair

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Pairing wines and cheeses is one of the best delicacies. Each flavor compliments each other, perfectly, to enhance the taste of both the wine and the cheese it’s paired with, allowing the natural flavors to work together. The cheeses that we make at Farm Fromage, in conjunction with local farmers, offers the perfect pairing for any wine you choose. Keep reading to learn more about the best wines to complement our delicious cheeses.

Pinot Noir & Cheddar: Our cheddar cheese, which has been aged for about 3 months, is a buttery, creamy, mild cheese. It’s an all-purpose cheese that can be paired with a lot of different flavors. We highly recommend Pinot Noir. The berry note and natural acidity can really compliment the young cheddar.


Cheese & Wine: The Perfect Pair 1

● Prosecco & Colby: The Colby cheese is considered more of a bland cheese. It has a mellow and mild flavor, but the aftertaste is slightly tangy and slightly sweet. Because of its flavor, it pairs beautifully with an extra dry Prosecco. It has a hint of sweetness that can mix well with the Colby, without the taste if either being overpowering.

Cheese & Wine: The Perfect Pair 2

● White Wine & Goat Cheese: Our goat cheddar has a mild, yet smooth texture with a sweet flavor. We tend to pair it with a white wine like a softer Chenin Blanc or a tangy New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. White wines tend to have a bit of a zing to them and tastes vary from person-to-person.

Cheese & Wine: The Perfect Pair 3

● Sweet Wine & Spicy Cheese: A sweet wine and a spicy cheese taste absolutely amazing together. We offer a delicious Hot Jack cheese to fill your tastebuds. It’s a semi-soft flavor, mixed with spicy jalapenos. You’ll get the initial kick of the spice, but the aftertaste is a buttery, delicate flavor. We love pairing this cheese with a sweet wine such as a Frisk Prickly Riesling. The sweet flavor of the wine will mellow out the spicy jalapeno, giving you a delicious flavor.

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